Does the library subscribe to The New York Times ?
The library subscribes to The New York Times in a variety of formats: online, print, and microfilm.
The New York Times digital is available at Coverages is from 1851 to the present.
All students and faculty have unlimited access to The New York Times digital platforms, including personalized user experience, live coverage of breaking news, access to NYT articles between 1851-current, access to the International edition and Canadian, Chinese, and Spanish editions, full access to the NYT Learning Network, and access to the InEducation resource that helps faculty bring current events into the classroom.
The New York Times is also available in full text, online in the database Nexis Uni from 1980 to the present. To select the New York Times, select Sources at the top of the Nexis Uni site. Enter the term, The New York Times, under Search Within Sources in the left pane, then select the search icon (). Browse through the resulting sources and select The New York Times. You will be directed to the newspaper's search screen.
The library also subscribes to The New York Times on microfilm and print. The library retains the most recent two months of the print edition of the newspaper.
A complete listing of the full text availability of The New York Times is available by in the Milne Library catalog