How do I access online databases?

All online databases are accessible from the library's A-Z list.


Troubleshooting tips for accessing online databases

Tip 1: Make sure you are using the correct username and password

When logging into library databases, be sure to use your SUNY Oneonta username and password. This is the same username/password that you use to access Brightspace and on campus computers.

  • Make sure you’re using your SUNY Oneonta username/password.

  • If you are a new student or employee, your default password must be changed before accessing the library databases.


Tip 2: Try accessing a different database

If you are unable to access a particular database, try to access another database from the A-Z list.

  • For example, if you cannot get into Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost), try accessing another database like JSTOR.

  • If you can access one database but not another, this might indicate a problem with the database. In these cases, please fill out the Report Access Issue for E-Resources form and include screen shots of any error messages you received while attempting to access the database.

  • Note on EBSCOhost databases (including Academic Search Complete, ERIC, PsycINFO, SocINDEX with Full Text): You must access EBSCO databases through the A-Z list. If you attempt to access an EBSCO database from off campus by going directly to, you will not be recognized as a SUNY Oneonta user and your access will not be authenticated.


Tip 3: Try using a different browser

If you are having trouble accessing databases, try using a different browser. For example, if you normally use Chrome and are experiencing issues, try using MS Edge or Firefox (or Safari if you are a Mac user).


Tip 4: Try clearing your browser cache and/or history

In some cases, you may have to clear your browser’s cache, cookies, and history. See links below for instructions on how to clear your browser cache.

  • Last Updated Aug 28, 2023
  • Views 214
  • Answered By Lori Wienke

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